After reading the issue, however, I was a little disappointed. Not disappointed that it was bad but disappointed that I'd read it already.
The issue focuses on Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D. director Maria Hill. They stand on the bridge of a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier as Hill briefs Cap about a few goings on in the world. It seems that a few rather serious events are happening concurrently across the globe and different teams of Avengers have been dispatched to investigate. Thor, Captain Marvel and Hyperion are looking into a rash of unnatural natural events on the eastern seaboard. Wolverine, Black Widow, Falcon, and Shang-Chi are in the middle of national riots in Madripoor. Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, Nightmask, and Starbrand are in Italy investigating a strange artifact. Smasher, Sunspot, and Cannonball are sent to A.I.M. Island. At first glance, all of these events seem to be unrelated, but if that were the case this would be a very uninteresting comic.

Again, that doesn't make Avengers World bad. It just feels like recycled material.
I do have an issue with the characters in the book. The Avengers have always had a revolving door of members, with a few heroes making short appearances to never be seen again. But some of the heroes that the new team features, like Starbrand, Nightmask, and Smasher, are completely unknown to me. Like I said, it's been a while since I was reading the Avengers religiously so I don't know if these characters came up to prominence recently, but they seem like odd choices to add to a battle-hardened team like the Avengers. Even the inclusion of ex-New Mutants Sunspot and Cannonball had me scratching my head. I mean, I can accept it but these aren't the faces I'd expect to see.

Even though it would seem like I was trashing the first issue, I wasn't. I was disappointed, without a doubt, but it was still a really fun read. Despite the narrative being a rehash of Hickman's past, the story itself was original. However, if it turns out that the big baddie out to take over the world is a one-time ally of the Avengers twisted by his own power and intelligence like it was in Ultimate Comics Ultimates, then I may have to officially give up on the man. But let's hope it doesn't come to that.
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