
Real Ghostbusters: The Halloween Door

The Real Ghostbusters was animation's answer to the Ghostbusters movie; it provided kids with more adventure from the Ghostbusters and Slimer and probably made Paramount Pictures a buttload of money. Starting in 1986, the show lasted for six years and provided kids with almost 150 enjoyable episodes. To celebrate Halloween, I wanted to relive one of those episodes, one that I seem to remember much clearly than I should given that I haven't seen it since I was nine years old.

"The Halloween Door" is a special episode because it originally aired during prime-time. Instead of mixing this one up in the regular Saturday morning line up, the network wanted to show "The Halloween Door" in the 8 PM timeslot, allowing parents to watch it with their children. The episode is also special because it talks about the true meaning of Halloween.

Well, not really the true meaning but the writers placed emphasis on Halloween that is usually reserved for Christmas, that the holiday is overly commercialized and many people just don't "get it" anymore. The story kicks off when the team is approached by a man named Crowley (likely an allusion to Aleister Crowley, a 19th century British occultist) and his mission to get rid of Halloween. Crowley is the chairman of Citizens United Against Halloween and Lots of Other Stuff We Don't Like (an organization named through the straight-forward sense of humor the show had). His plan is to use a machine he built, the Electronic Positronic Anti-Halloween machine, to erase all aspect of Halloween from the world like costumes, Jack-O-Lanterns, and candy. When he uses the machine, however, it opens up the Halloween Door, a gateway to another dimension where demons went after leaving Earth through an contract they had with the ancient Druids. The leader of the demons is a giant with a body made up of a multitude of faces who goes by the name Boogaloo. Boogaloo's main goal is to cause as much havoc and destruction as possible. How do we know this? Boogaloo tells us...in a musical interlude.

Yes, another thing that makes this episode different from the rest is that it's a musical. Featuring two full-length songs, "The Halloween Door" throws back to classic Disney movies. The first song, performed by the Ghostbusters themselves, talks all about the holiday of Halloween and the wonder that it brings. While it's a little stereotypical to have Winston, the only black guy, take the lead in the song, it's a fun romp, if not a little cheesy. As a kid, I loved this song so much that I recorded it from the television using my boom box and a blank cassette tape. The second song is Boogaloo's, as I mentioned before. The coolest part about this one is that Boogaloo is voiced by Brian O'Neal, who was a member of The BusBoys and performed the song "Cleanin' Up The Town" for the original movie soundtrack. It was a clever way for the show to tie back into its roots and the films.

The real kicker of the episode is how it ended. When the Ghostbusters go up against Boogaloo but their proton packs run out of juice and their plan to reverse the Electronic Positronic Anti-Halloween machine goes to hell when they find it completely destroyed. But then a little girl named Emma shows up and offers her help, saying that "she's not afraid". This sparks the idea within Egon that Halloween is more than just "pumpkins, black cats and trick-or-treating". Halloween is about "kids rediscovering wonder". Ray catches on and explains that we dress up as monsters as a way to get over our fear of monsters and that kids understand the Halloween lesson; "if you're not afraid, it can't hurt you." This little loophole in the Halloween contract is enough to negate the demons' stay in our world and the Halloween Door sucks them back into their dimension.

"The Halloween Door" was a great way to get parents to spend time with their kids and get into the Halloween spirit. It had the charm that made The Real Ghostbusters popular but also contained something of a message about Halloween, which likely would have appealed to the grown up sensibilities, even if the message is just a sugar-coated retelling of the meaning of Christmas. Either way, "The Halloween Door" is a shining example of The Real Ghostbusters series and a fun way to celebrate Halloween.


A Timeless Halloween Tradition

If you've been following this blog for the past month, it would come as no surprise that we here at Caution: Idiot At Play love Halloween. One of the things we like most about Halloween is carving pumpkins. One of our favorite (and most popular) features is the Bad-Ass Pumpkin Line-Up, where we showcase some of the coolest, most inventive geeky pumpkins we can find. But we also like to carve our own pumpkins as well.

As you probably read, a few weeks ago, the wife and I headed down to the farm to pick out our pumpkins. Though some time had passed and things got a little busy, we managed to get them carved. It had been so long since we got them that my pumpkin started going soft in the back but I was able to make a pretty good carving. Anyway, here are a few pics from the ordeal.

First up is mine:

Though it didn't come out perfect, I'm pleased with what I made. I didn't have any kind of pattern to work with but I found an image online of the same design someone carved and just sketched it on the front of the pumpkin with silver marker. Luckily you can't see the marker in the pics. I had a hard time gutting the pumpkin so there are a bunch of thin strings hanging down in the back. Either way, I'm proud of my Ninja Turtle.

And my wife's:

Lauren did find a carving pattern of the Little Mermaid here. She took the time to poke out a few guide holes and did a really great job on the hair. Her hand started to cramp up so she wasn't as meticulous with the face, which is why her eyes and mouth look a little small. Despite that, her carving looks pretty good and I think she did a great job.

So what does one do after carving pumpkins? Clean off the seeds and bake 'em! One of the reasons we love carving pumpkins so much is that it means we get to have toasted pumpkin seeds, one of our favorite snacks. I think we like them so much because we really only get to eat them once a year but hot damn are they worth the wait. They're really simple to make, too; the most annoying part is cleaning the pumpkin guts off of them. But all you have to do is lay them flat on a baking tray, sprinkle some salt on them (I like using Molly McButter for some extra flavor) and put them in a 350º oven for about 8 minutes, flip them and put them back in for about 3 more minutes. Once they're brown they're ready to eat.

I'm glad we were able to get our pumpkins carved in time for Halloween, something that we weren't able to do last year. Thanks for checking out our pumpkins and I hope you all have a happy and eventful Halloween tomorrow!


That Time I Met Brad Meltzer

Last Tuesday, my wife and I took the day off of work for a couple of reasons, one of which was we both needed some time off so that we don't burn out from working so much. But the main reason we took off was that we found out Brad Meltzer was going to be in Barnes & Noble in New York for a signing of his new book, Decoded. Even though the signing started at 7 PM, we decided to hop an early train and spend the day in New York just because we both love being in the city.

We got to Penn Station right around noon and the first thing we did was start our trek uptown. Unsure of how to spend the next seven hours, we decided to make a day full of geeky activities. The first stop was Midtown Comics on 40th and 7th. We knew that we weren't going to buy anything but that's completely irrelevant. Both of us are comics fans and love just being in Midtown Comics so I spent a good 20 minutes looking at action figures and statues while my wife tried on comic-character-themed wool hats with pom poms on them.

Satisfied with our comic book fix, we continued our hike down 7th Avenue, stopping at Toys R Us along the way. Again, we had no intentions of actually buying anything but since TRU is one of our favorite stores, it made sense to pop in there for a little bit. That ate up a good 30 minutes and gave us a few ideas for Christmas gifts this year.

Not gonna lie: I want my own Hall of Armor.
From there, we moved it down to the Disney Store. Ever since Disney purchased Marvel, we've found that Disney Stores really appeal to both of us, allowing Lauren to scope out all of the Little Mermaid merchandise while I can peruse the super hero stuff. Here we considered getting a few Vinylmations but decided against it.

Leaving the Disney Store, it occurred to us that we hadn't eaten since 9 AM and were both feeling the pangs of hunger. As we stepped up to 46th, a short guy in a baseball cap handed us a postcard for an Irish Pub just a few feet from us called O'Brien's. Being simple folk, the traditional Irish fare appeals to us so we decided to check it out. We started with a plate of mozzarella sticks before diving into a Chicken Pot Pie and some Bangers and Mash. The food was really great and I loved the dive bar atmosphere the place had. It was really unassuming and comfortable. If I ever find myself on 46th again, I'd definitely go back.

After lunch, we continued our walk to Rockefeller Center to one of the greatest destinations in New York City: The Nintendo World Store. Every time I go to the city, I try to make a visit to this store just because there's no place like it. (We also wanted to go here to get a few Street Passes for our 3DSes.) The store was decked to the max for the recent release of Pokemon X/Y. The bottom level of the Nintendo Store is mostly just the store portion, with a few racks of clothes, video games lining the walls and some dump bins full of plush toys. There's also 8 or so display 3DS units to give customers some hands-on play. Upstairs is where the real magic is. First off, the store is displaying a massive photo mosaic picture of Link to celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda. The picture was made up of thousands of pictures of Zelda fans which was pretty amazing if not incomplete since it didn't have a picture of me.

Think I can Photoshop myself in there?
The top floor also has a number of Wii U bays with a selection of demos available. I played a few minutes of Injustice: Gods Among Us while Lauren tried out Super Mario Bros U. I let her play the game while I checked out the "museum" at the other end of the store. Along the back wall there are a few glass display cases containing the history of Nintendo as a company. Few people know that Nintendo got their start making playing cards in the late 1800s before moving on to toys and games. The display mostly focuses on the gaming side of Nintendo, showcasing the original Nintendo Entertainment System, the Famicom, and ROB and goes straight down through the years. One of my favorite parts of the display is an original Gameboy that was caught in a mortar blast in the Gulf War. The most amazing thing is that the Gameboy still works; they've hooked the unit up to a battery so that it plays Tetris on a loop. It's an astounding display of technology and I love seeing it every time I'm in New York.

Forget Timex. This baby really takes a lickin'.
By the time we left the Nintendo Store it was about 4 PM so we had three hours to go roughly 40 blocks. Did we hot foot it? Hell yeah, we did (with a few breaks in between). Even though right around 85th street Lauren's complaining hit a fever pitch, she hung in there and we got to Barnes and Noble a little before 6:00. Hitting up Starbucks, we took some time to relax before the signing at 7.

The both of us really couldn't wait to meet Brad Meltzer. Why, you ask? Well, when Lauren and I got married, one of the things we wanted for the wedding was a gutted book to showcase our wedding rings. As we prepared, one of our missions was to find a book to use. As we looked through the titles, one really stuck out to us: The Book of Fate. One, because we are both fans of Brad Meltzer, of his writing and the show Decoded on the History Channel. But also the title really hits home when discussing a wedding. I'm not a true believer in "fate" per se but it is a nice idea and if fate exists, I'm glad that it brought me together with my wife.

Anyway, after we gutted the book and lined it with a sparkly blue felt, I tweeted a picture of it, tagging @bradmeltzer in it. The next day I discovered that not only did Brad retweet it to his followers but he also shared it on his Facebook page. This filled me with an amazing sense of pride. Brad had taken the time out to look at the picture and went the extra mile and showed it off, explaining all of his fans his appreciation of the gesture. So it was really important to us to meet him so that he could see the book and so that we could have him autograph it.

After the Q&A portion, where Brad talked about where his love for mysteries and American history came from and how he interprets the question of "Who killed Kennedy?", the line formed for the signing. I placed the open book down in front of him and told him "We're that couple". He seemed generally surprised and happy to see it. He asked us how the wedding was and we gave him a few pictures of the ceremony, one of which was his book being carried by our ring-bearer. He took a picture with us and soon we were on our way. It was a very exciting moment for both my wife and me, one that had me geeking out for about an hour after it ended.

I plan on reading Decoded over the next couple weeks and look forward to diving into the top ten conspiracies of American History. I'll certainly have a review up for it as soon as I finish but I would still recommend that you go and support Brad's endeavors. And if you've never seen it, watch Decoded on the History Channel. It makes history exciting by delving into the mysteries like no show has done before.

If fiction is more your speed, check out any of Brad's political thrillers, The Book of Fate, The Inner Circle, The Fifth Assassin or any of the others. He's also done work in comics, most notable Identity Crisis for DC Comics. Brad has such a wide body of work he's likely to have something to appeal to everyone. So go out and support one of the nicest, most genuine writers out there. He deserves it.

"To Michael & Lauren,
The true fate is your love.
I wish only health & happiness
for you. Love and thanks, Brad"
"To Michael & Lauren, My favorite married couple.
Thanks! Brad Meltzer"


Review: Dracula

Vampires just never seem to go away. Their popularity waxes and wanes but for the most part, they always crop up whenever they're needed. And Hollywood would never let us forget about the king of all the vampires (I'm using that metaphorically, by the way), Dracula. The creature that popularized vampires in fiction, Dracula has been reimagined by NBC for a new prime-time, Friday night show. This past Friday saw the airing of the pilot episode of the series and I was excited to watch it.

I like the approach the show takes with Dracula. Most Dracula retellings either remain completely true to Bram Stoker's timeless work, like the 1992 Dracula starring Gary Oldman, or completely bastardize the myth, like Dracula 2000. This new series sets Dracula in the 1890s, not unlike the original Bram Stoker novel, but the show is set wholly in London. He takes on the role of Alexander Grayson, an American Industrialist who is working on a grand invention that will revolutionize the world. It pretty much features the novel's cast of characters, including Jonathan Harker, who is a journalist for the vaguely named Inquisitor, Mina Murray, Harker's love interest and self-conscious student physician, and even Abraham Van Helsing, who is Mina's teacher.

After watching the first episode, I'm not really sure what's going on. It seems that Grayson/Dracula wants to take vengeance on a group called The Order of the Dragon. He uses his manservant, Renfield, to gather some of London's most powerful men, men he believes are part of the Order. This part makes sense to me. I can understand the desire to take down his enemies after what they did to him in the past, which we see glimpses of through a few flashbacks. I also kind of understand his way of getting that revenge, by attacking their source of income. He has created an unlimited source of wireless energy which he intends to give away, hurting the Order's control on the petroleum industry.

So we have that Dracula. But then we get another sort of Dracula, one that has evening rooftop sword battles and banging chicks in an opera house balcony. Oh, and that chick happens to be one of London's vampire hunters. It's like the writers meshed a classic revenge story with a few scenes from Twilight and made Dracula the lead character. Maybe they just needed to flesh out the pilot and make it more exciting to get picked up for a full season but it left me scratching my head wondering what the fuck was going on.

There was a lot of things that I liked in the show, like Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Dracula. Meyers has a certain intensity about him, one that he brings to most of his film roles. Despite being an Irish actor, he can pull off a fairly convincing American accent, though it does sound most non-locational. Where is Grayson supposed to be from? He doesn't have a Southern twang, he doesn't put two "O"s in "coffee" like a New Yorker, and he doesn't speak with an eyebrow-raising inflection like a Mid-Westerner. So even though his accent is passable, his portrayal would be more enjoyable if we would be able to pinpoint his origins. Maybe I'm overthinking this since he is supposed to be an Eastern-European pretending to be from America in England so he technically doesn't have roots in America and therefore shouldn't have a specific accent but I at least think it would add something to the role. He reminds me a lot of Stuart Townsend from Queen of the Damned which I know isn't a compliment but is the best I can compare his performance to. Other than that, his take on Dracula is decent, full of intense, smothering stares over a pencil-thin 'stache.

And a killer chin-strap.
Besides Meyers, the rest of the cast is mostly forgettable. Jonathan Harker, played by Oliver Jackson-Cohen, is written so incredibly dryly that I just couldn't care at all about him. In fact, the little snippets of dialogue he gets implies his lack of confidence so if he doesn't care about himself, why the hell should I? Mina Murray (Jessica De Gouw) seems to be taking more of a pivotal role, acting as the source of Dracula's infatuation. The show implies that she somehow reminds Dracula of his long dead wife but from the way he's banging that blonde chick at the opera, it's tough to believe his candle burns that brightly for his wife. But whatever. She plays the role stiffly, her only clear character trait is that she loves Jonathan with all her heart and doesn't care that he's a lowly journalist. Yeah, it's not much of a character trait but it is only the first episode. I would hope that they both evolve past that but we don't really see any development in them in the pilot.

These two love each other. A lot. They will
never let you forget this fact.
The show is full of a bunch of other set-pieces, like Nonso Anozie as Renfield and Katie McGrath as Lucy Westenra, both of whom act as little more than outlets for exposition. I would imagine that would change going forward, actually I would hope it changes, but that has yet to be seen. There are also a bunch of characters with "Lord" in front of their names who have drawn the ire of Dracula and will probably act as the series antagonists. Most of them pretty much seemed interchangeable and I didn't bother to pay attention to their names.

Even though I was excited to see Dracula, I was sorely disappointed in the pilot episode. The show lacked focus and characterization, two things that I prefer to see in my entertainment. While I'm hoping the show just suffered from "premiere-itis" and will begin to level off as the season goes on, I just don't feel like my head would be in it to keep watching. I'll do my best to tune in next Friday night but who knows. I may have some big plans for then and may not be home.

Who am I kidding? I'll be home. If I don't watch, it'll be because I realized I didn't care enough.


A Plethora of Halloween Snacks!

Not long ago, I went to Target to pick up a few things for the house. While I was there, I stopped by the Halloween section to see what they had to offer this year. I...may have gotten a little carried away with the a few of the Halloween-themed food they had to offer. I already ran through the Monster Cereals from General Mills but I wish that was all I had to deal with. No, I pretty much picked up a box or bag of something that said "Halloween", "pumpkin", or was colored orange. Believe it or not, I actually took the time to try everything that I got and write out my thoughts. Well, here ya go!

Pumpkin Pie Pop-Tarts

Pop-Tarts are an amazingly versatile food. Where else can you enjoy flavors like Blueberry, Cinnamon Brown Sugar, Strawberry Lemonade, and Dulce De Leche (besides ice cream, at least)? Pumpkin Pie made its debut in 2010 and this is the first chance I've gotten to try them.

They're amazing.

First of all, Pumpkin Pie is the perfect flavor for Pop-Tarts because it has the right texture. The Pop-Tart filling tends to have the consistency of a thick jelly, which helps to avoid dripping and maintain the heat when toasted. Not only does it feel like pumpkin pie when you chew it, it tastes just like pumpkin pie. Not like a homemade pie, mind you, but just like one of those store-bought pies you get around Thansgiving when you have no time to make one yourself. Which is fine; that's what I'm used to. But the flavors are so well balanced. You can taste the cinnamon, the nutmeg, and of course, the pumpkin. Whoever the chemist at Kellogg's is that generated this flavor, they did a magnificent job.

Market Pantry Pumpkin Cereal Bars
Like most cereal bars, these have a soft outside with sweet, creamy filling. The pumpkin flavor of the outer dough is really good, having all of the sweetness of a pumpkin pie but doesn't come off too sweet. These would be a great breakfast substitute as they aren't really a junk food. Granted, they aren't healthy by any means, but they're not intended to be the kind of thing you'd give away to trick-or-treaters. I was a little disappointed by the vanilla-flavored filling. Compared to the pumpkin portion of the cereal bar, the plainness of the vanilla creme just kind of brings down the rest of the package. It's not enough to make me not want them again, but I'll certainly think twice about it before I toss them into my cart.

Market Pantry Pumpkin Cheesecake Sandwiches
These were probably the most surprising. From the picture on the box, I was expecting something along the lines of a Whoopie Pie, with two soft outer cookies and a whipped, creamy filling. But they are nothing like that. In actuality, the cookies are crunchy and taster closer to gingersnaps than to anything pumpkin. But these cookies are awesome. The crunchy cookie is sweet with a little kick of cinnamon to it and the creme center tastes exactly like pumpkin cheesecake. When you bite into the cookie and the creme starts to ooze out of the sides, allowing you to lick all around the edges, scooping up the sweet, sweet goodness... Yeah, these are that good.

Market Pantry Potato Cheese Puffs
I'm having a very hard time pinning these down. They aren't like your standard cheese puff. They're a lot heavier, which is probably why they're hollowed out. The cheese flavor is rich and enjoyable, similar to a lot of the other powdered-cheese goods out there on the market. The taste is similar to a Crunchy Cheeto but...off, slightly. It;s kind of like a puffed Dorito but without the nacho cheese bite at the end. My wife described it like a Frito which I guess is kind of true. There is a bit of the Frito taste in the underlayers. I suppose this has something to do with them being made out of potatoes instead of being a corn product. Anyway, whatever the flavor profile happens to be, they are damn good and worth checking out.

Market Pantry Marshmallow Kettle Corn
It's hard to go wrong with kettle corn. They satisfy two types of junk food cravings, sweet and salty. Market Pantry takes their kettle corn one step further by adding marshmallow to the mix. It's a good combination, but this kettle corn comes up lacking. It has a very weak salt taste to it which is one of the best parts of standard kettle corn. See, the sweet and the salty work together and emphasis the other. I...I can't explain it. The combination just manages to bring out the best of each other. But this kettle corn is all sweet and almost no salty so it's just not the same. Maybe if you poured the bag into a big bowl and sprinkled some salt on it... I guess that could work but if you have to make alterations to your junk food, then maybe you should just buy a different junk food.

Oh, and did you know that Jones makes a line of Halloween-themed sodas? Well, I did, but didn't realize that they brought them back for this year. They come is a four-pack of squat little cans, just enough to quench your taste for some sweet treats without making you feel guilty for only drinking half of it.

Night of Red Licorice
I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from a Red Licorice soda. The only licorice I eat is Twizzlers, and that is so far off from real red licorice that it isn't even funny.

Terror of Blood Orange 
This one is pretty much just a basic orange soda. It's got a slightly different flavor but for the most part, the orange-ness of it really stands out. It's good, don't get me wrong. But it's really nothing special.

Dawn Of Caramel Apple
Strangely, this one is my favorite of the bunch. On the first sip, your mouth is flooding with the slightly tart taste of apple-flavored soda. As that subsides, however, it is replaced with the creamy taste of caramel, slowing swirling around your palette. It very subtly nuanced, too, so much so that you barely realize the flavor has changed. They blend together really well, almost as well as a real caramel apple. Some people may be put off by a Caramel Apple soda but they should consider opening themselves up to this one. It's really good, especially if you're a soda freak like me.


8 Awesome Halloween Costumes of Kids

Many people believe that Halloween is a holiday for kids and for the most part, I can understand their opinions; a big party of Halloween is trick-or-treating which most kids abandon by the time they're 13. But that doesn't mean they lose their love for the holiday. Kids like that tend to grow up adoring October and everything that comes along with it, throwing awesome Halloween parties in the process and dressing up at every opportunity they can.

But how does that love for Halloween start? Why do some kids grow out of the holiday so easily while others retain their desire to dress up in outlandish costumes and have a great time? I think it all depends on their parents perspective of Halloween. Sure, buying the kid a store bought costume may give them a few hours of fun on the 31st as their collecting candy from neighbors like a panhandler on the streets on New York but that doesn't mean it's going to foster a deep-seated love. Some parents, however, choose to go the extra mile and really make Halloween special, creating some original, homemade costumes, including their kids in the project.

I've found a few images of some really awesome kids in awesome costumes and probably be the next generation that prolongs the Halloween tradition.

Mega Man
Retro gaming never seems to go out of fashion, with older games now available on newer consoles through places like Nintendo E-Shop and PSN. But what happens when your kid wants to dress up like Mega Man, a character that passed his heyday during the Super Nintendo years? well, like any good parent, you make your kid a Mega Man costume and send them out there for some free candy! Oh, and for good measure, this site, Instructables.com, has full instructions on how this costume was made which can be scaled for adult sizes.

Lego Indiana Jones
This costume is awesome on two levels. Not only did the kid want to be a Lego person for Halloween (as described in the story on Instructables.com [and yes, there are instructions on how to make this costume]) but he wanted to be Lego Indiana Jones specifically. A friend of mine dressed as Indiana Jones one year, but this was back in 1988 when Indy was still relevant. It's great to see stuff like this, from back in my childhood, find new life with children today. It gives me comfort to know that I liked all the really cool shit.

Found on GeekBabyClothes
Judging by the floor this one looks to have been taken at some sort of comic convention but I'm including it anyway. That costume is so intense, with so much detailing that it's pretty hard to ignore. I'd bet that the parents that made this are huge in the cosplay community and raising their child to fit right in. I hope this kid chooses to follow in their parents' footsteps because it looks like s/he comes from pretty talented stock.

Found on ImgAce
Harry Potter and Cerebus
Yes, I know Harry Potter costumes are a dime a dozen and this one isn't really that impressive. I'm including this for the dog. That Cerebus costume is hilarious. Letting a kid go trick-or-treating with the family dog is endearing, in my mind, and dressing the dog up to complement the kid's costume is just going the extra mile. Kudos to this parent for considering this awesome pairing.

Found on EpBot
Calvin and Hobbes
This mother made not one but two costumes for her kids. Granted, the Calvin costume is pretty easy, blue pants and a red-striped shirt, but that Hobbes costume is cute, is not simplistic. It at least gives the impression of the character without covering up the girl's entire face. But anyway, that Hobbes doll is completely handmade so there's that. And how often do you see a Calvin and Hobbes costume anyway? Anything that celebrates Bill Waterson's premier creation is thumbs-up by me.

Found on Lovelyish
Kip from Napoleon Dynamite
Back in 2004, Napoleon Dynamite hit theaters and its irreverent humor polarized audiences. While Napoleon seems like a natural choice for a Halloween costume, with his bushy, red hair, funny glasses, and tired stare, this kid decided he would be better off as Napoleon's awkward-yet-confident older brother, Kip. I love how they pulled this costume off, with the straight mustache and the "Lafawnduh" sign. I hope this kid never loses his desire to dress as offbeat movie characters.

Found on MommyShorts
Walter White
Who wouldn't want to dress up as a meth-cooking, ex-high school teacher for Halloween? I've seen a couple of Walter White costumes online but this one really stuck out to me. Besides the crappy bald-cap, I like that they choose to portray White in his toxic waste uniform instead of in a flannel shirt and khakis. And I give credit for including the props, a sandwich baggie of bright, blue rocks. There's a part of me that hopes that it's actual rock candy.

Found on WeKnowMemes
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Don't know who Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is? He's the guy from the History Channel documentary Ancient Aliens that believe aliens controlled the creation of Earth and the evolution of man. What I like most about this costume is that not only did this kid dress like an obscure, if not slightly insane, scientist, but he dressed like a meme based on the guy. Now that's clever.

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