
What's In The Box? episode 15: Women of DC from Legion of Collectors

Getting the Legion of Collectors was a fluke. I've always been more of a Marvel guy, hence why ordering the Marvel Collector Corps box was a no-brainer. But it wasn't until Legion unveiled their DC TV box a few months ago that I decided to jump on board, mostly in the hopes of getting something Melissa Benoist/Supergirl related (which luckily came through). I had only intended to get the one but then they started to announce the following boxes, like the Suicide Squad in July. I intended to cancel after that but based on the title of this post, clearly that didn't happen.

That's because the theme for September is Women of DC. Imagine what it could have contained with all of the amazing DC heroines available: Wonder Woman. Batgirl. Supergirl. So many possibilities that I couldn't let pass by.

So what was in the box, you ask? Just hit Play below and find out!

How 'bout some close-ups?

Love that patch. So simple yet so iconic.
Just a shame there was so little Supergirl representation in this box.
A classic issue. A not so classic cover. (Still cool.)
Could have been better but I like the character so I'm not gonna bitch. Too much.
Now this is one of the coolest things I've seen in Legion of Collectors.
The Legion of Collectors box ships every two months and runs $25 plus shipping. If you want it for yourself (keep in mind, next month's theme is "Batman Villains" so it's perfect for all you Batmanophiles) head over to their site and sign up.

And as always, thanks for checking out What's In The Box? If you dug the video, make sure you give it a Thumbs Up. Most of my videos could use a few likes and I'm not above asking for them. Also, make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel for more videos just like this one. Plus, you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram, and you may as well like the Facebook page for good measure.

Thanks again and see you next time!

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